Today is the one-year anniversary of Russia’s brutal, unprovoked, full-scale invasion of Ukraine. To mark the occasion, Kyiv Post has collected 17 stories to try and convey the breadth and scale of the loss caused to Ukrainians caused by the Kremlin’s aggression.


I am a night person. Unlike early risers, I am most active in the second half of the day. Before the war started, I could work till late evening and hang out all night. I used to party and walk the Kyiv streets on warm summer nights. I used to have fun. 

All this was before the full-scale Russian invasion. In summer I love walking at night. It's warm, just perfect. Now, neither I nor any other Ukrainians have such an opportunity because a curfew has been set, and you have to go home.


Since all the restaurants and shops close at 10 pm at latest  – and more often at 9 pm – you need to go home earlier. In general, by 10 pm, you are already home. Imagine: you’ve just finished work and decide to go to a cafe for dinner, but they say,  “Sorry, it's closing time.”

It’s unpleasant, but we’re coping. And believe me, after our victory, we will hang out so much at night that you can’t even imagine. After our victory, we will all begin to appreciate what we love and have always loved. So I see it not only as a negative but also as a positive.

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So, we all work until Victory Day – day and night. Because now we have the opportunity to work both day and night – after all, we can’t go for a walk outside.


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