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EXCLUSIVE War in Ukraine Russian Armed Forces

US Navy SEAL Squadron Leader Explains Russia's Disaster

Pfarrer, a special correspondent for the Kyiv Post, explains why Russian troops, despite the increase in the number of soldiers, are doomed to defeat in Ukraine.

Oct. 27, 2023

Chuck Pfarrer, former squadron leader of SEAL Team 6, has gone on record as to why Russia’s offensive is over, replaced by a permanent defensive, until it collapses. Meanwhile, Iran will continue to burn through proxy soldiers until it faces a massive defeat.

Pfarrer, a special correspondent for the Kyiv Post, who has advised the "full alphabet soup" of US national security agencies and is a leading figure in the analysis of the war in Ukraine, explains why Russian troops, despite the increase in the number of soldiers, are doomed to defeat in Ukraine: No matter what Russia does, it is checkmated.

Iran, which thinks that it is outsmarting Israel and the West, by using Hamas and Hezbollah proxies, will only lead to their painful loss in the wars they have started.

Chuck Pfarrer is a former squadron leader of the US Navy SEAL Team Six. He has served public and private sector clients as a military and counter-terrorism contractor and non-proliferation expert. Pfarrer has written extensively on counter WMD proliferation and gray zone operations.

He has written an op-ed for the New York Times and the Knight-Ridder Syndicate and has appeared as a writer and counterterrorism expert on CNN, ABC, MSNBC, Fox, CSPAN, NPR, Voice of America, Al Jazeera, Al Hurra, IPR. and America tonight.