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Overcoming Russian Propaganda and Engaging with Ukraine

After the full-scale invasion began, Jonathan Fink launched a YouTube channel to provide in-depth interviews with some of the most well-known experts on Ukraine, Russia, and the war.

May. 1, 2024

After the full-scale invasion began, Jonathan Fink launched a YouTube channel to provide in-depth, hour-long interviews with some of the most well-known experts on Ukraine, Russia, and the war so that listeners would have a deeper appreciation for the struggle that Ukraine is facing.

Despite alleged waning interest in Ukraine, the channel that bills itself as being "about propaganda, digital disinformation, politics, corruption, hybrid warfare, weaponized conspiracy theories, social echo chambers and digital dystopias," has grown from 8,000 followers by Christmas 2022 to over 80,000 today.

Fink's thoughtful, serious discussions with guests, have made strong impressions on audiences that tune in to learn not just "the facts on the ground in Ukraine," but to have subject matter experts explain aspects of the war that are often overlooked by the public.

During this interview, Fink explains what drives him, his programming, and what he sees as the largest obstacles facing Ukraine today.

He is host of Silicon Curtain, a YouTube channel and podcast. He daily creates content in support of Ukraine, and has become one of the most prominent voices in the YouTube community condemning Russia’s illegal invasion of Ukraine since February 2022.

The channel now features one of the largest collections of Ukrainian experts in English online, a conscious effort to elevate Ukrainian voices, because they understand better than anyone the nature of Russia’s mindset and strategy and how to counter aggressive propaganda and other hybrid and physical threats.