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We Must Prevent Russia, China, Iran, & North Korea From Winning

Congressman Ritchie Torres has been an outspoken supporter of Ukraine and a leading voice in calling attention to the crimes perpetrated by Russia and other rogue states.

Jun. 28, 2024

"Ukraine is fighting for the free world," says Congressman Ritchie Torres of New York, arguing that "the greatest threat to democracy and freedom - the values that we cherish - including the likes of China, Russia, North Korea, and Iran." 

Congressman Torres, a charismatic rising star in the Democratic Party, has been an outspoken supporter of Ukraine and a leading voice in calling attention to the crimes perpetrated by Russia and other rogue states. 

In this interview, Congressman Torres makes the case that "We have an obligation to stand by the Ukrainians, who are fighting for freedom, who are fighting for the free world. And if the United States were to turn a blind-eye, or standby passively and allow Ukraine to be railroaded, by Russia, that to me would be the death of American leadership in the world," continuing that such a failing by America would "be the end of the rules-based democratic order that has served the world well since the end of World War II." 

According to his official website, "Ritchie’s mother single-handedly raised him, his twin brother, and his sister in a public-housing project. She paid the bills working minimum-wage jobs, which in the 1990s paid $4.25 an hour. While Ritchie grew up with mold, lead, leaks, and no reliable heat or hot water in the winter, he watched the government spend over $100 million dollars to build a golf course across the street for Donald Trump. In 2013, at the age of 25, Ritchie became New York City’s youngest elected official and the first openly L.G.B.T.Q. person elected to office in the Bronx."