In his latest outrageous statement, the former US president and candidate for a new mandate, Donald Trump, said, “Ukraine is gone!” With these three words, Trump returns a familiar point of the Kremlin's narrative, once again suggesting that Ukraine should surrender in the face of Russia’s brutal invasion. As always, he carefully calibrates his rhetoric to appeal to his pro-Russian base, but his real audience is Moscow, where Vladimir Putin is smiling and preparing for his next attack.

Trump’s words are not just reckless; they are dangerous. They echo the language of a dictator waging a merciless war against a sovereign nation, destroying cities and killing civilians. By aligning himself with Putin’s narrative, Trump is undermining Ukraine’s fight for survival, implicitly encouraging further aggression. His defeatist attitude is not only an insult to Ukraine but also a direct threat to European and global stability.


Trump’s insistence that “Ukraine is gone” is a chilling reminder of his long-standing admiration for autocrats and his frequent praise of Putin’s leadership. This latest statement, however, is part of a much broader pattern – one that shows Trump endorsing Kremlin propaganda, labeling Ukraine as the inevitable loser, and calling on the West to withdraw its support. These statements fit seamlessly into the Russian playbook, which seeks to undermine international unity and erode support for Ukraine in its struggle for sovereignty.

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Unveiling of Zelensky Victory Plan Raises More Questions Than Answers

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Trump’s words represent nothing less than a call for the surrender of Ukraine, a betrayal of the very values he once swore to defend.

Earlier this year, Trump suggested that NATO should abandon countries that do not contribute enough to the alliance, giving Putin the green light to attack Eastern European nations. His flawed and morally bankrupt logic implies that a nation’s right to independence and security is quantifiable in terms of dollars and cents. The idea that he will sit idly by while Putin launches new attacks on countries like Poland, Estonia, Latvia, or Lithuania – because they may not meet Trump's arbitrary financial criteria – is terrifying. This is a man who is willing to change millions of people’s lives and freedoms for financial and personal gain.


The risks of Trump’s rhetoric cannot be overstated. If Trump regains the White House in 2024, his remarks signal to Putin that continued aggression will meet with indifference –or worse, tacit approval. Putin has already tapped into the fatigue many in the West feel over the protracted war in Ukraine, and Trump’s words only fueled dissatisfaction. By framing the war as a distant problem that no longer matters, Trump plays directly into the hands of Russian propaganda, which seeks to portray Ukrainian resistance as futile and its international support as waning.

But Ukraine did not disappear! Despite unimaginable hardships, the Ukrainian people continue to stand firm, resisting an invasion that was not their fault and that they did not ask for. They endure daily bombings, power cuts, water cuts, and the loss of loved ones, yet they remain defiant. To suggest, as Trump does, that their fight is over is not only factually incorrect – it is a profound insult to their courage and resistance. Trump’s words represent nothing less than a call for the surrender of Ukraine, a betrayal of the very values he once swore to defend.


It's no secret that Trump has long been in love with Putin’s brand of authoritarianism. He has repeatedly expressed his admiration for the Russian president, continually calling him a “strong leader” and praising his ability to “lead his country well.” These comments are not only wrong; they are deeply troubling, especially when viewed in the context of Trump’s overall worldview. Trump’s affinity for dictators like Putin stems from his desire for unchecked power, and his disdain for democratic norms has been documented extensively.

During his presidency, Trump often acted in ways that directly benefited Russia. From his attempts to withhold military aid to Ukraine in exchange for political favors to his ongoing undermining of NATO, Trump has consistently advanced policies that align with the Kremlin’s interests. Now, as the world witnesses Ukraine’s heroic resistance to Russian aggression, Trump continues to undermine Western efforts to support the country while praising its oppressor.

The world in which Trump returns to power is one in which Putin feels emboldened to push further into Europe

The ramifications of Trump’s pro-Putin rhetoric reach far beyond Ukraine. His willingness to turn a blind eye to Russian expansionism threatens the security of Europe as a whole. NATO, despite Trump’s disparaging remarks, remains the cornerstone of European defense, and any weakening of the alliance would have disastrous consequences. The world in which Trump returns to power is one in which Putin feels emboldened to push further into Europe, testing the resolve of Western leaders and exploiting any divisions he finds and creates.


That’s what Putin is counting on. The Kremlin’s strategy has long been to sow discord within NATO and the European Union, and Trump’s words are the necessary spice to that intention. By spreading the narrative that Ukraine’s fight is already lost, Trump is fueling the weariness many people feel as the war drags on. Putin knows that Western democracies can become impatient with long-term conflicts, especially when they begin to affect domestic issues such as inflation or energy prices. Trump’s rhetoric plays on this exhaustion, encouraging people to believe that their support for Ukraine is not worth the price.

However, the truth is clear: a just peace that restores Ukraine’s territorial integrity and frees its people from Russian occupation is the only acceptable conclusion to this war. Anything less would not only reward Putin’s aggression but also set a dangerous precedent for future conflicts. A Ukraine forced to surrender under the weight of international apathy would send a message to autocrats around the world that brute force and violence are effective tools for achieving geopolitical goals.


The Ukrainian people did not choose this war. A much more powerful opponent forced them to fight for survival, and they did so with extraordinary courage. They deserve the world’s constant support, both in terms of military and diplomatic aid. To abandon them now, as Trump suggests, would be a moral failure of the highest order.

The Ukrainian struggle is our struggle, and the only way to lasting peace is through a decisive Ukrainian victory

Yes, Ukraine is tired. A war that disrupted every aspect of its people’s lives stretched Ukraine to the limit. Russian bombs destroyed houses, devastated families, and leveled entire cities. But their spirit remains unbroken. Ukrainians continue to fight not only for their country but also for the very principles of freedom and independence on which modern democracy rests. They fight because they know that the alternative is not peace but submission.

Trump’s defeatist rhetoric ignores this reality. It disregards the suffering of the Ukrainian people and the long-term consequences of allowing Putin to dictate Europe’s future. His words may resonate with the war-weary, but they are a betrayal of everything the West stands for.


The world must remain steadfast in its support for Ukraine. The costs of doing nothing are too high, and the risks of allowing Putin to succeed are too great.

The world must not allow that to happen. The Ukrainian struggle is our struggle, and the only way to lasting peace is through a decisive Ukrainian victory – one that secures the country’s sovereignty, restores its borders, and holds Russia accountable for its crimes. Anything less is a victory for tyranny, and the world cannot afford another win for Vladimir Putin.

The views expressed in this opinion article are the author’s and not necessarily those of Kyiv Post. 

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