The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) on Monday, June 19, succesfully uncovered a corruption “schemeinvolving government officials who allegedly demanded bribes from Ukrainian grain exporting companies. Several individuals allegedly involved in the case have been arrested and detained, including three Odesa Regional officials and three affiliated company heads, and formally charged with suspicion of bribery and corruption offenses.

The investigation revealed a scheme orchestrated by officials from the Main Department of the State Food and Consumer Service in the Odesa region in collaboration with the state institution known as the Odesa Regional Phytosanitary Laboratory.

The SBUs findings indicate that the implicated officials offered entrepreneurs the guarantee of unhindered registration of laboratory tests and certificates of conformity for agricultural products, particularly vital documents required for the sale of grain internationally.


In exchange for these favors, exporters were coerced into making cash payments or transferring funds to bank accounts controlled by the officials or their associated companies.

This illicit operation generated approximately one million dollars in monthly profits for those involved. 

Substantiating their case, SBU officers have gathered concrete evidence of the officials accepting bribes.

As a result, several individuals have been detained, including the former head of the Department of Phytosanitary Security at the Regional Department of the State Food and Consumer Service, the deputy head, and an inspector from the Odesa Regional Phytosanitary Laboratory. Additionally, three heads of affiliated companies have also been apprehended.

Corruption Suspect Granted Bail And Remains Minister of Agriculture
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Corruption Suspect Granted Bail And Remains Minister of Agriculture

Minister of Agrarian Policy Mykola Solskyi was granted bail. He continues to perform his duties, although he technically resigned on Thursday, April 25.

The arrested individuals have been formally charged with suspicion of bribery and corruption offenses under the relevant sections of the Ukrainian Criminal Code.

Presently, the suspects are being held in custody, pending further legal proceedings, with the option of posting bail of Hr. 5 million each. Furthermore, two other individuals involved in the case are currently under house arrest.

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