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Russia Putin Cyberattack

The Russian Intelligence Service is Calling

Jessika Aro, a Finnish journalist, is the author of Putin's Trolls, a best-selling must-read on how Russia is trying to create chaos and panic in the West.

Nov. 16, 2023

Russian intelligence services may be reaching out to you, or even your kids, at this moment. Russia's objective is to create as much societal discontent and conflict as possible, leading to a breakdown of our society.

Jessika Aro, a Finnish journalist, has been so severely attacked by Putin's Western supporters that she had to flee her native land. Now, having spent years researching how Russia uses its online actors to push global narratives, Arko explains why the threats from Putin's Russia are not lessening but only increasing.

Aro is the author of Putin's Trolls, a best-selling must-read on how Russia is trying to create chaos and panic in the West.