Russia is seeking to completely destroy Ukraine. The Kremlin is not going to limit itself to capturing Donetsk and Luhansk regions.

Kyrylo Budanov, the head of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Defense Ministry of Ukraine, said this in an interview with RBC-Ukraine, Ukrinform reports.

Budanov noted that he does not consider “statements made by someone from some countries” about the enemy’s plans. “We focus on our own information,” he said.

According to him, the Main Intelligence Directorate was the first to inform about “what and how will happen”.
“Therefore, I can say with full responsibility that Russia’s plans are the complete destruction of Ukraine, absolutely complete. Moreover, any insinuations that maybe Donbas is enough for them, I will ask you not to even put such questions to me. We will not trade territories,” Budanov said.


On February 24, Russia began a new stage of the war against Ukraine – a full-scale invasion. The Russian forces have been shelling and bombarding Ukrainian cities, towns and villages, torturing and killing civilians. The defense forces of Ukraine are fiercely resisting the Russian invaders. As of July 4, Ukrainian defenders had reportedly eliminated about 36,200 Russian troops.

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